Valencia Fashion Week
Valencia Fashion Week
Valencia Fashion Week
Valencia Fashion Week

Show date

19 September 2013 - 21.00h


Encarnis Tomero


Av. María Cristina, 11

46001 Valencia

Tel. 963 527 559

Encarnis Tomero




INSPIRATION " Mudar la piel ", is an invitation that we do to you. We shed for need, for exoticism, for fun and to have contact- to project ourselves.

It is born in the snake’s year and they launch the offer for 2014. Regeneration and positivism that rests on the stimulant colour they propose.

It is necessary to go out of a skin and to get in others, these chosen with own will and with desire of auto-satisfaction. We shade for natural change. Also for a necessary choice to accompany the different stages of the day, which ours active and activist women need in their wandering around this S-S season. Eugenia and Isabel show a Fashion that fulfils rules, the most important one to go on living, to go on acting and the third one to go on creating in order to develop completely.

STRUCTURE. We find shirts and very short skirts, pieces that the public demands, but that involve in these superimpositions and simple cuts, in order to create possibilities of use in any feminine body that wishes it.

They do not want to scare their public; they want to attract it as the snake insinuates them: “they all worth it and they all can ". Garments that launch an outlined woman, resting on edgings with contrasts of color and textures. The basic garment - the dress-, which they transform into a comfortable piece, without fitting it too much to the body but highlighting the physical shapes of a woman who in summer wants to be more comfortable but impeccable in unison. The dynamism is introduced by the own fabrics that are very thin and with certain natural inflexibility.

They have the snake in their desk, to inspire their essence; scales introduced like superimposition of fabrics, technique that they dominate and develop in a natural way in all the works, these designers.

FABRICS. Elastic cottons, cotton knit, crepes, gauzes, metallic mousseline, voile with fantasy and gabardines. With great mixture between them and accompanied by superimpositions they make the summer to be more ludicrous and regenerator.

COLOUR. The streets of towns and cities are flooded with vibrant colors with red one and green, accompanied by this rich range of blues. All this guarded by a color that conflicting in the essence of these designers, does not stop being helped and venerated “the black ".


Patrocinadores de Valencia Fashion Week